Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Faster Webmaster Free Marketing Tips Video

Erik Staford, the Faster Webmaster offers some free Internet Marketing
Tips for you.

There's lots of internet market products and strategies out there, and
it's really easy to get overwhelmed and confused. There is so much out
there, it's really difficult to not waste time and not spend money getting

It's easy to get tons of offers when you subscribe to a lot of internet
marketing's great research, but you have to look at it as just that,
research, and don't let yourself get sidetracked.

"Find one thing, and stick with it", says Erik, author of The Faster
Webmaster and The Faster Webmaster II.

Erik offers over 30 instructional video modules with his course, and is
now offering a free gift.

To claim it, go to

Check out this short video by Erik Stafford...


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Networking is a Great Way to Improve Internet Business

The quest for building a business online seems like a solitary search
for a great treasure and fabulous wealth. The truth is, networking is
a great way to improve your Internet Business.

Sure, you can stay in your cave, chained to your desk and Computer
but isn't that what everybody thinks they want to get away from?!

When you think about your online activities as a business, then you
will realize that the best way, the only way to truly build your business
is by building relationships.

If you are fairly new to this, you will come to realize that all the Great
Internet Marketing "Gurus" not only have not realized success alone,
but actually have depended on the help of others in every situation I
am aware of.

Each made major breakthroughs in their business by asking for help,
sharing ideas and masterminding. More often than not, their biggest,
most radical changes have come by meeting up with others at a seminar.
There, relationships have begun out of random meetings, as well as
JV Partnerships. Many have received great benefit from Mentorship.

With the introduction of the The Faster Webmaster II, Erik Stafford
gives you that mentorship via a content rich course that guides you in
a step by step, A-Z approach...beginning with selecting your first Domain
and Hosting Company right on up to Blogging and Web 2.0

Most importantly, the course enables you to get your first Website up
online so you can start building a list and building your business.

So go have a look at Erik's course information and get a free gift at and get your business dream online
starting today.

And check out the Hub Page:



Erik Stafford has become an Online Industry Expert at teaching beginners how to get their start in Internet Marketing by showing even those with Zero Webmaster skills how to build their own Website and Build...

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Monday, September 22, 2008

The Faster Webmaster II

The Faster Webmaster II: 30+ Instructional Sessions (complete with videos) covering
(complete with videos) covering pretty much everything I know
about making money online...
from driving traffic to building products, membership websites, and more...

This is the ultimate resource

Faster Webmaster: Internet Marketing Tips for beginners...

Channel Icon
From: FasterWebmaster1

I am looking forward to working with you!

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Finding Your Niche by Erik Stafford, The Faster Webmaster

Session #1.2: Finding Your Niche
Dogs to Daisies, Yoga to Yogurt...

Okay everybody, welcome back to The Faster Webmaster. My name is Erik Stafford and in this Session we are going to be talking about how to choose and research niche markets. So what are niche markets?

Niche markets are specific areas of high interest. Think about it, and see if you can come up with one. Can you think of any one subject that people are super-passionate about?

My good friend Joshua Shafran high-passion markets "oholic" markets: markets where people are so interested in something that they are not rational about it, rather they are "oholic" about it. "Choc-oholics" love chocolate, for example. "Dog-oholics" love dogs. I went to Ohio State, and so of course I love Ohio State Football. I am not rational about it... I am "Buckeye-oholic". As a result, I have Buckeye bumper stickers, shirts, coffee mugs, and so on and so forth.

If you work in that niche, chances are good
that you have some of my money in your wallet right now.

Finding these markets can be a tough chore because many people have unique interests that they are emotionally attached to, and therefore want to base a business on them. While this is admirable, and in theory a good idea, in the competitive online business world it doesn't always work.

You must find a topic that people want to read. Better yet, a topic people must read.

When you are first sitting down trying
to decide what market you are going to work in,
you want to make sure of one thing:

That the market you are interested in has enough of an audience to sustain your efforts in it. For example: you might be super interested in Hissing Cockroaches. Don't laugh: my roomate in college was (shudder). Are there enough people in the world that are interested in that subject? Is it worth it to create products about Hissing Cockroaches?

Only research will tell you the answer to this question.

As you do some research it will become clear that a lot of topics will not be very marketable for many different reasons. For instance, perhaps there isn’t really any interest in it or perhaps there is so much interest that the topic is saturated. Saturated markets are difficult at best to break into and you should ask yourself if it’s worth the frustration when there are so many good niche areas available to you.

So where to begin? How do you find a topic that will sell like hotcakes?

Well, those research secrets are revealed at

Will you take the next step to getting your business idea Online?

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Erik Stafford-The Faster Webmaster

My name is Erik Stafford, and I suggest that you forget all about the gurus for right now. Forget traffic generation, copywriting, conversions, one-time-offers, upsells, and all the other fancy terms you may have heard...

Forget home-study courses and forget product creation... And forget spending every single dime in your bank account!

I make it sound simple, right? That's because it is.

I have created a system that has helped over a thousand people (just like you) crush their fears and get their own websites online and running in no time flat. They just read my instructions, checked out my videos, and watched me do it step by step... then they did it too!

People from all walks of life, and every experience-level... from teenagers to retired grandmothers. They all used my system to float through the overwhelming sea of information they were receiving by email and from different money-sucking programs...

I helped them to understand the basics, and build their first website... and then they focused in on the other stuff. Once they had a foundation in place.

But you don't have to take my word for it...

Go see for yourself at

I am so confident that I am ready to give you Session #1 completely for FREE. I call it the "Name Game" and it should only take you about fifteen minutes, and when you are done with it you will have a crystal clear vision of how easy my system is...

Just go pick it up at

And you can get started creating your own incredible success online!

Get Session #1 FREE at

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Procrastination Defeated

Ok, last time we spoke of Procrastination and Overwhelm,
essentially Too Much Information! Too Many Projects!

Perhaps you'd like some tips on curing Information Overload
and getting things done.

Let's start with all the things you have to do...

I suggest you make yourself a list, daily. Many find this is best
at night, so that the list is ready for you in the morning.

What happens too often to victims of overload is that they get up
with no plan, go to their email, get lost in their Inbox and aimlessly
wander through the day in their free time. This, too, is a "system"
but it's a bad one, so "having a system" isn't enough, you need a
good system, a productive system. So, let's make that list....

Take a sheet of paper and write down the 10 most important things
you have to do (tomorrow). Look at your list and pick the top 2 most
important/urgent items that must get done above all the rest.

Once you have the 2 priority items, pick the most important of the 2
items....and do that first.

This takes some discipline because we all find that, often, the thing we
really should be doing is also the thing we least want to do.

When you take the top 10 items and reduce that list to a top 2, it is the
80/20 Rule in play! When you choose to complete the #1 item on a daily
basis, you will be amazed at the progress you'll make!

If that #1 thing seems like a big project, that is ok....take that item, as a
"project" and then break that down into smaller "tasks" within the project.
"What do I have to do first, then next, then next...until it is complete.
This will help you overcome Overwhelm and Overload.

And, regarding email, Erik Stafford suggests looking at that Inbox. Do you
get mail from Marketers that you never read but fill up your Inbox?

This can be a major distraction and the simple answer is...take a deep breath,
move your mouse to "Unsubscribe" and click it. Start dumping useless email.
Free your Inbox from clutter so you can begin to concentrate on earning money
and not reading email...

Erik Stafford, TheFasterWebmaster will show you the system to go from Newbie
beginner to getting your first Website up Online and beyond...if you are stuck, go
have a look at and see why Erik is different.

Hope this helps...

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Overwhelm Equals Procrastination

Overwhelm is an easy feeling to get in the world of Internet Marketing.

The danger is that too much information, too much research, too many
choices and too many options will just freeze you in your tracks. You can
be so busy trying to get ahead you just run in circles.

Confusion, frustration and overwhelm can equal procrastination, as in no
progress. You may lose your way and lose your enthusiasm. You may even
forget why you started in the first place while chasing the next big "thing".

The FasterWebmaster 2 is a course to cure overwhelm and guide you
through the confusing and frustrating process of trying to learn everything
all at once.

You need to get back to basics and this is what TheFasterWebmaster2
is all about, the basics...
from getting your first Domain and Hosting company
to getting your first Website where the world can see it, up Online.

You need a System, a simple step by step blueprint to guide you
through the maze of Internet Marketing by someone who wants to
help you to succeed!

Internet Marketers Lee and Robin Collins describe a "system" as something that
Saves You Significant Time, Energy, Money.

You can read a hundred emails, look at thousands of pages of sales letters,
spend hundreds or thousands of dollars doing it the hard way and stumbling
around in the dark without a flashlight OR you can simply check out this
course and save yourself weeks, months or years of needless research...
when everything you need is right here...

If you were giving advice to your best friend, would you tell them?
Go spend months trying to figure it out on their own and all alone
OR would you tell them to go to and check it out?
What would you tell your best friend?

If you are just starting online, one thing you want to do is figure out what name you
want to use to Market Online. This name will be your URL (uniform resource locators)
which is kind of like your PO Box on the Internet. It is the Title of your Website.

Make a list of ideas that you think would be a good website name that will describe what
you do or who you are. You then go to a site that sells Domain Names, like
and enter the name in their Search bar and submit. They will tell you if the name is now
Available, which mean you may register it now, or they will say the name is Unavailable,
which means that someone else has already registered that name...
but they will give you a list of suggestions of available variations of that name to consider.

If you wish to Register a name, you may do that Online or via a Customer Service phone
number, where a representative will help you do the Registration in 1 year increments.

If you are building a business, you will want to consider registering the name for a longer
period of time than one year, 3 to 5 years would be best as this will help give your business
credibility if someone checks your domain registration. Someone who registers their name
for only one year doesn't appear that they plan on being around for very long (or they are
afraid they are going to perhaps there is some "mindset" benefit to having a longer
registration, as well!).

I hope this helps, but it is only the start. For more guidance, go now to review the course at

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Who is The Faster Webmaster?


Who is the Faster Webmaster?

Erik Stafford has become an Online Industry Expert at teaching beginners how to get their start in Internet Marketing by showing even those with Zero Webmaster skills how to build their own Website and Build a Business Model.

"The number 1 thing you need to do to succeed is avoid Information Overload."

"Often, clients suffer from Information Overload and Multi-tasking...they refuse to pin down and focus on one plan of attack...focus down and create a road map...then, build it!"

in March 2007 Erik launched the first of his critically acclaimed "Faster Webmaster" products, focusing on Creating your first Website pages and Listbuilding.

In August 2008, after many months of work, Erik has expanded the Original Course to release The Faster Webmaster 2, with over 30 sessions, all with Tutorial Videos to take anyone step by step from how to buy your first Domain and Hosting Account to Web 2.0 secrets.

You can see more about Erik's new program at

The Faster Webmaster

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tonight:! Free Easy Website Systems Teleseminar

Eric Stafford and Pat Marcello will do an "Easy Website Systems" Call
that will tell you how anyone can get their Website idea or project up Online.
Erik Stafford, The Faster Webmaster, says:
"I am going to show you the easiest, fastest way
to get a website up and running...
Pat Marcello will explain just how easy it is to get
this system going.

Check out
See what Erik Stafford has to say and then
come hear him Live! Bring your Questions!

EVENT: Easy Website Systems
DATE & TIME: Wednesday, September 3rd at 9:00pm Eastern/6:00pm Pacific
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)

Pat has arranged a special bonus for those of you who can make
it on the live call... and it's a good one!

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