Sunday, September 14, 2008

Procrastination Defeated

Ok, last time we spoke of Procrastination and Overwhelm,
essentially Too Much Information! Too Many Projects!

Perhaps you'd like some tips on curing Information Overload
and getting things done.

Let's start with all the things you have to do...

I suggest you make yourself a list, daily. Many find this is best
at night, so that the list is ready for you in the morning.

What happens too often to victims of overload is that they get up
with no plan, go to their email, get lost in their Inbox and aimlessly
wander through the day in their free time. This, too, is a "system"
but it's a bad one, so "having a system" isn't enough, you need a
good system, a productive system. So, let's make that list....

Take a sheet of paper and write down the 10 most important things
you have to do (tomorrow). Look at your list and pick the top 2 most
important/urgent items that must get done above all the rest.

Once you have the 2 priority items, pick the most important of the 2
items....and do that first.

This takes some discipline because we all find that, often, the thing we
really should be doing is also the thing we least want to do.

When you take the top 10 items and reduce that list to a top 2, it is the
80/20 Rule in play! When you choose to complete the #1 item on a daily
basis, you will be amazed at the progress you'll make!

If that #1 thing seems like a big project, that is ok....take that item, as a
"project" and then break that down into smaller "tasks" within the project.
"What do I have to do first, then next, then next...until it is complete.
This will help you overcome Overwhelm and Overload.

And, regarding email, Erik Stafford suggests looking at that Inbox. Do you
get mail from Marketers that you never read but fill up your Inbox?

This can be a major distraction and the simple answer is...take a deep breath,
move your mouse to "Unsubscribe" and click it. Start dumping useless email.
Free your Inbox from clutter so you can begin to concentrate on earning money
and not reading email...

Erik Stafford, TheFasterWebmaster will show you the system to go from Newbie
beginner to getting your first Website up Online and beyond...if you are stuck, go
have a look at and see why Erik is different.

Hope this helps...

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At September 14, 2008 at 9:54 AM , Blogger dannielo said...

If you'd like a tool for managing your projects, you can use this application inspired by

David Allen's GTD:

You can use it to manage your goals, projects and tasks, set next actions and contexts, use

checklists, schedules and a calendar.
A mobile version and iCal are available too.

Hope you like it.


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