Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Big Internet Marketing Secret

What we are about to reveal here is what I am calling the
Big Internet Marketing Secret....

Let's lay it all out and be real...what you are about to read may
change your business, even change your life.

I will presume you want to have a successful business online.
I will assume that you feel you are struggling, not getting the
results you want or think you deserve or the results are not
coming fast enough or big enough. Let's fix it.

Have you ever asked someone what they do and they told you
what it used to be, what it isn't, what it will be...but can't tell you
what the heck they actually do (or even think they do?)

Can you tell someone, in a sentence, hopefully an interesting
sentence, what is your business? Don't overcomplicate it.
A guy with a hot dog cart can tell people "I sell Hot Dogs."

Second, if you want to have a business, you need to treat it like
a business. That means you respect yourself and you value
and respect money. No banker will loan money to someone he
thinks doesn't respect themselves, their business or his money.

Third, if you are in or entering marketing online, you are a marketer.
If you want your marketing to be successful, you must sell something.
This becomes much easier when you identify what you do and what
your business is! If you don't have a product, sell someone else's.

Watch for Information Overload. Too much information from
too many sources is distracting and distraction leads to confusion and
confusion leads to lack of action. A confused mind just shuts down.

Have a goal. Everybody says "write down your goals" and people
usually have a 100 of 'em and all they have now is a big "wish list."
One goal, one statement, so you can figure out what action needs
to happen to accomplish this goal. Too many goals=a confused mind.

Have a System. This is purely organization, a checklist, a way to
make progress in an orderly fashion. When you go to the Doctor,
we expect the Doctor to have "a system" and do things in the right
order. A system, once established, allows you to duplicate that
same order of actions and repeat the successes. If you don't have
a system, you can't improve it. You cannot run your business like
a night at the comedy Improv, doing something different every day.
Well, you can't run a successful business that way...

Ok, now that we covered some basics that will put you miles ahead
of where you were, let's get miles ahead of the competition and now
reveal the Big Internet Marketing Secret. It is.....

Have Focus. For some, this means Keep it Simple.
A simple statement of what you do or what your business does.
Have a Goal, then you will know the outcome you want and can take
the action steps to get there. This will help you clearly define your
System, simply the action steps to get to the desired outcome/goal.

Having one clear path and staying focused on it will help you not
be overwhelmed by too many ideas and too much "noise". Focus
will reduce the "mind clutter" and better focus equals more action
which will give you better results, faster.

Faster, more focused results is exactly what Erik Stafford
delivers in his latest course at TheFasterWebmaster2.com

You now know what you do and what your business is...it's time to
get a Domain name for your business. You are ready to start, but
will you do it the right way?

Let's say Betty sells soap. She knows what she does, sells soap.
She knows what her business is, soap. So, Betty gets herself the
Domain name BettySellsSoap.com

This is exactly what Betty does and what her business is about.
Problem is...nobody going online that is looking for soap will be
typing in and searching for "Betty sells soap" unless Betty is
the Famous Amos Cookies of the soap industry! Nobody will
ever find Betty. No Traffic, no business. No money.

From Domain selection, purchasing and hosting Erik Stafford
will walk you through setting up your business online and then
how to build a list, get traffic, blogging and Web 2.o social sites.
A simple System with Video Tutorials on each step along the way.

If you are ready to go from Mindset to Millionaire (remember,
once you have a System, you can repeat it over and over again)
then go check in on www.TheFasterWebmaster2.com
and look for Erik's free gift.

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